How to set up Interest Audiences on Facebook to reach High-Intent Purchasers

Without a doubt, the avenue to hyper-target your audience is one of the primary benefits of using social media ads rather than traditional advertising. You may reach the individuals most likely to be interested in your brand by using Facebook's ad-targeting capabilities to your advantage. Granular targeting is one of Facebook's primary capabilities, which is why over 6 million companies use the platform to run advertisements. 

How to set up interest audiences on Facebook

Facebook interest targeting is an indispensable tool for the generation, diversification and specification of audiences. While Statista indicates that 93% of marketing professionals advertise on Facebook, not all do this properly. You want your advertisements to reach a new target audience, and one of the best ways to accomplish this goal is by using comprehensive interest targeting. How does Facebook have this information? They get the information from your lifetime of platform use. These activities may include page likes, hobbies, past purchases and interaction with websites that have Facebook pixel installed. 

Build Your Buyer Persona

Overall, the most important thing is to direct your attention towards those who are really interested in your topic, as opposed to the average fan who is just somewhat interested in it or who only follows it to keep up with the latest news.

Another important aspect to acknowledge is that nobody is only interested in only a single thing. As an advertiser, creating an interest persona or a profile of your ideal consumer is essential based on their multiple interests. Then, you should refine and enhance the profile depending on research and lessons learned. In the final instance, your ideal consumer would have many relevant interests in the subject or area you are targeting and the most lucrative audience segments will be found where the dimensions overlap. 

Identify High-Intent Customers 

In this pursuit, we must locate individuals who have thoughts about it, engage in conversations about it, and, above all, have a passion for the subject matter. Those who are interested in various elements and knowledgeable on aspects that are not common-knowledge among the more superficial fans. 

Selecting suitable interest categories for your Facebook ad campaigns requires extensive research into the interest categories of your target demographic, and some options will be explored further:

  • Use Google or Wikipedia 

Use these platforms to search for niche-related keywords and prioritize results that connect to the following internet organizations, whose targeting availability you may subsequently investigate: Websites; Public figures; Associations; Brands; Products; Magazines; Blogs. 

You may find more keywords to check by scrolling to the bottom of the results page, where you can discover what other searches people use to get results relevant to your own. These related search terms are helpful since they are themes that people often search for when searching for companies in your industry. 

In addition, because millions of individuals use Wikipedia, the information it includes may be beneficial for your interest-targeting study. Some of the website's over 6 million articles might provide you with keywords connected to your focus. 

  • Consult the Detailed Targeting Section 

Facebook's interest targeting is included in the Detailed Targeting section of the Ads Manager's ad set settings. Facebook allows you to explore interests from its public and default categories, as well as search for interests connected to your advertisements. After accumulating several interest keywords, you can utilize them to find comparable interests in the Detailed Targeting area of Facebook Ads Manager. There is a possibility that you may have outcomes that are not what you intended, but they may be worthwhile. Simply enter each interest in the free search box, scroll down, and you will discover everything pertinent to your area.

Through your Facebook profile's ad options, you may see the interests marketers use to serve you with relevant advertising. Navigate to Settings & Privacy > Settings > Ads > Ad Settings > Categories used to target you > Interest Categories. The perusable interest lists include categories and subcategories, with subclasses containing even more precise categories. Increasing the specificity of your targeting choices provides you access to more detailed audiences, but going too far in this direction may result in an audience size that is less than optimal. 

6-Step Guide to Buy Your Interest Target Audience

  1. Inside Facebook Ads Manager, you must choose Audiences from the menu. 

  2. There, you must click Create Audience followed by Saved Audience. 

  3. Then, in the modal window that appears, you may configure all of your Facebook interest-targeting audience's settings. Characteristics such as the region, age, gender, and language of the individuals you want to target with your advertisements. 

  4. You may also establish audiences while designing ad packages and advertisements. 

  5. You may also build Saved Audiences using Facebook Audience Insights. There, you can also access your Saved Audiences to analyze them. 

  6. Adding numerous interests to the Detailed Targeting section in Facebook Ads Manager is referred to as "stacking" interests. The total audience is the sum of the audiences for each interest.

Bottom Line

When managing Facebook Ads, targeting is one of the most critical aspects to pay attention to. It enables you to pick your audience with a high degree of accuracy, allowing you to enhance the ROI of your business.

Acquire Agency is an official Meta Marketing Partner. We have helped countless businesses optimize their paid social media campaigns and your business can be next. 


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